In the process of storage, transportation and sale, the fruit is subject to the diseases caused by the infestation of microorganisms. There are mainly fungal, bacterial and viral infections, which can be roughly classified into 2 types according to the infection pathway: 1 Germinating spores invade the fruit from the skin pores and even the stratum corneum, the pathogens are true parasites, and the resulting diseases are apple anthracnose. Ringworm disease and so on. 2 Germinated spores invade the fruit from wounds. The pathogens are parasitic parasitic bacteria. The resulting diseases include blue mold, blue and green mold of citrus, and brown rot of apples and pears. Penicillium disease: also known as water rot, is the most common infectious disease that causes the most common problems in apple, pear, grape, citrus and other fruits during storage. Penicillium and green mold are the main diseases of citrus. The pathogen of penicillium is Penicillium italicum Wehmer. The pathogen of citrus green mold is Penicillium digitatum Sacc. Brown rot: One of the most important invasive diseases occurring during storage, such as apples, pears, and peaches. The pathogenic bacteria (Sclerotini afrucfigena Aderh.) and the asexual generation (Moniliafrucfigena Pers.) are soft and spongy. elasticity. The disease develops and will rot in a matter of days after the fruit is infected under suitable conditions.
Apple anthracnose: also known as bitter rot, is one of the major diseases that harm the fruit in the apple producing areas of the world. The ascitic stage of the pathogen is called Glomerella cingulata (Stone) Sch. and the asexual stage is Gloeosporium fructigenum Berk. The pathogenic spores germinate from the lenticels or stratum corneum and invade the flesh, mostly at the maturation or storage stage.
Pear ring disease: The disease mainly in the maturation period and storage period. The pathogens were Aspergillus, Cystella, Mycelia Physalospora pricicolaNose.
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