Deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) are a large class of protease families. It hydrolyzes ubiquitin-specific proteins or precursor proteins from ubiquitin-specific proteins by hydrolyzing ester bonds, peptide bonds or isopeptide bonds at the carboxy terminus of ubiquitin. The human genome encodes nearly 100 deubiquitinases, making them the largest family of ubiquitin system enzymes. Deubiquitinating enzyme genes in humans can be divided into two broad categories: the cysteine ​​protease family and the metalloproteinase family. The cysteine ​​protease family comprises several ubiquitin-specific processing proteases (USPs), ubiquitin carboxy terminal hydrolase (UCHs), Machado-Josephin domain protease (MJDS) and ovarian tumor associated protease (OTU). The family of metalloproteinases only contains the MPN(+)/JAMM protease family.
Deubiquitinating enzymes play an important role in the ubiquitination pathway. The ubiquitinated protein substrate in the ubiquitin-protease system cleaves the linkage and ubiquitination between the ubiquitin chain and the substrate protein by cleavage. The linkage between the strands causes the ubiquitin molecules to detach from the protein substrate.
Р- ubiquitinated protein (protein is degrading in the ubiquitin-proteasome system), В, D - with proteins that completely remove ubiquitin molecules, proteins return to normal function, С, partially remove ubiquitin molecules, proteases Body degradation or its positional change in cells.
There are stocks of genes for the study of various ubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) in the spot library of Weizheng Bio. The target gene has been cloned into the shuttle vector, adenoviral vector, and the spot of all kinds of adenovirus deubiquitinating enzymes is the shortest. The cycle, the best price for you to use.
Functional oligosaccharides refer to oligosaccharides that are difficult or impossible to be digested and absorbed by the human body and have special physiological effects on the human body. Its sweetness is generally only 30-50% of that of sucrose, and it has physiological functions such as low-calorie, anti-caries, prevention and treatment of diabetes, and improvement of intestinal colony structure. Due to the special physiological functions of functional oligosaccharides, it becomes a nutrient and health care product. A new generation of food-effect raw materials that integrate diet and therapy. It is a new functional sugar source that replaces sucrose and has a wide range of uses and application prospects. Common functional oligosaccharides include: xylo-oligosaccharides, fructooligosaccharides, galacto-oligosaccharides, isomaltose, raffinose and so on.
XOS, GOS, FOS, IMO, Raffinose, oligosaccharide
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