Can you use brassin?

Brassinolide is a plant growth regulator that mainly stimulates vegetative growth of plants, similar to gibberellic acid, and is mostly used for foliar fertilizers, which can quickly improve the quality of agricultural products and achieve a significa

Sterilizing the heart of Chinese cabbage

Cabbage-burning heart attack usually occurs in the lotus sitting stage, and the symptoms are obvious after the ball is set, and it reaches the most severe degree during storage. After the onset, the top edge of the Chinese cabbage leaf ball rolled

Measures to prevent stalk leek lodging and yellowing

Most of the reasons for indoor leek lodging in the greenhouse are that the leek has grown too vigorously, which caused the slender and thin pseudostem, or the leaves of the leek were enlarged and light-footed.

In this case, you should use

Late-maturing cultivation techniques of chestnut pumpkin

Chestnut is also called Japanese pumpkin locally. It has small causality, high powder quality, good quality and flavor, and is well received by consumers. In recent years, it has been widely cultivated in Zhe

Soybean ribbon composite planting technology

Soybean ribbon composite planting technology is aimed at the multi-crop planting habits in dryland in China. It uses corn-soybean, potato-soybean and other soybean intercropping intercropping techniques, integrating varieties, expa

Beware of Acute Dead Cucumber in Greenhouse

When the cucumber in the greenhouse enters the flowering and fruiting stage, this situation often occurs. The cucumber that had a good growth some time ago suddenly died suddenly within a few days.
● Cause weather. Sustained rain or sud

Kiwis remember frost damage in early spring

Kiwi loves a warm and humid climate, and is most afraid of late frost and cold spring. At this time, if frost damage occurs, the new shoots, flower buds and leaves of the kiwi fruit are often frozen.

Preventive measures: 1. After snowing,

Beware of Acute Dead Cucumber in Greenhouse

When the cucumber in the greenhouse enters the flowering and fruiting stage, this situation often occurs. The cucumber that had a good growth some time ago suddenly died suddenly within a few days.
● Cause weather. Sustained rain or sud

Technical specifications for leafy mustard cultivation

1. Variety selection Select disease-resistant, high-quality and high-yield, strong resistance, wide adaptability, suitable for fresh food and processing of large-leaf varieties, such as Longyan Oxtail, Bamboo