Early spring radish cultivation technology

The method led to problems such as early pumping, bran heart disease, and multiple diseases, which affected the yield and benefit.

1. Variety selection

Early spring cultivars of radish should be protected from early bolting and high-temperature bran cores. The selected varieties must be strong in winter, not easy to bolt, hard to bran cores, more resistant to high temperature, early maturing and high yield. The varieties commonly suitable for early spring greenhouse cultivation in Qingyang City are Zhaofu, Qingli, Midsummer, Qinmei and so on.

2. Preparation before broadcast

2.1 Choose a greenhouse for radish planting in early spring. The front crops are beans, melons and eggplants, followed by leaf vegetables such as celery, spinach, lettuce, and coriander. Avoid cross-flowers such as Chinese cabbage and Chinese cabbage. Continuous crops. Otherwise, radish has weak growth potential, many diseases, low yield and poor benefits.

2.2 After ploughing the crops before harvesting, clean the countryside, plough the soil 25-30cm, and simmer. If the soil is dry before freezing, flood it once with large water.

2.3 Early winter in early March after covering the shed film. When the weather turns warm, cover the shed film as soon as possible. After being closed for 2-3 days, the soil will be fully thawed, and fertilization and land preparation can be carried out.

2.4 Fertilizing the radish requires soil fertility, looseness, and no gravel, otherwise there are many deformed fruits and low commerciality. The growth of radish mainly depends on basal fertilizer. 5000 kg of rotten organic fertilizer and 50 kg of superphosphate are applied per acre, and the soil is fully applied. Deep ploughing is 20-25 cm. According to the ridge distance (that is, ditch width) 25-30 cm, ridge width 40-50 cm, and ridge height 10— A ridge of 15 cm was ridged and a 60 cm wide mulch was covered on the ridge.

2.5 Water storage and heat storage After the ridge is covered with film, water is poured into the ditch immediately, and the greenhouse is closed again to raise the ground temperature, which is not only conducive to emergence, but also heat storage and anti-frost. After 3-5 days, planting can be done when the ditch soil is dry in late March.

3. Seed germination

3.1 The amount of seeds used for early ripe radish is small, and the planting density is a bit larger than that of the open field. There are 7800-9000 seedlings per acre, and the amount of seed is 230-350g.

3.2 Hot seed germination Uncoated seeds can be germinated and sown. Dry the seeds, place them in 55 ° C water at 5 times the amount of seeds, keep stirring for 10-15 minutes, then soak them in water at 25-28 ° C for 2-3 hours, remove and drain them, and wrap them in wet towels It can be sown when 70% of the seeds are exposed to white after 24 hours at 25-28 ° C.

3.3 Sowing 2 rows per ridge, plant spacing 18-20cm, row spacing about 25cm, acupoint "pin" staggered, sowing 2-3 seeds per hole, 1.5cm deep, should not be too deep or too shallow. Then water and close the air outlet to increase the greenhouse temperature and ground temperature.

4. Field Management

4.1 After the seedlings are released, the membranes should be broken in time to prevent burning of the seedlings. Seedlings are set at 2-3 true leaves, and seedlings are set at 3-4 true leaves. One plant per hole is better.

4.2 Temperature management Seeds should be germinated at a temperature of 20-25 ° C. After sowing, the greenhouse temperature should be increased by raising the temperature of the shed, and it is appropriate to lower the temperature of the shed to 25-28 ° C after emergence. After the rosette stage (the period when the radish leaves grow vigorously), the fleshy roots are growing vigorously. At this time, the outside temperature is high, and the air should be released day and night to reduce the temperature in the shed as much as possible. Maintaining 17-23 ° C during this period is conducive to the expansion of fleshy roots and increases yield. .

4.3 Water and Fertilizer Management Generally, water is applied once after the second interplanting, depending on the condition, and 10-15 kg / mu of urea is flushed with the water. In the rosette stage, 20 kg / mu of diammonium phosphate was applied with water. After that, the water should be controlled properly to inhibit the growth of stems and leaves and promote the expansion of fleshy roots. When 2-3 leaves of radish are growing upright, 15-20 kg / mu of compound fertilizer containing higher nitrogen and potassium can be applied with watering. In the later stage of radish growth, the temperature and humidity should be reduced to prevent high temperature and drought from causing pumping and bran heart, but also to prevent excessive humidity from causing soft rot, so water it regularly and keep it moist.

5. Pest control

5.1 Soft rot cleans the countryside and cleans up the diseased debris in the field. The applied organic manure should be sterilized by stacking, decomposing and curing. From the rosette stage, spray with 2% kasugamycin wettable powder 400-500 times or 72% agricultural streptomycin soluble powder 3000-4000 times. Spray once every 10-15 days. At the beginning of the onset, spray with 1000 times solution of 77% copper hydroxide suspension or 1000 times solution of 20% quinacridone water solution, alternately apply, spray once every 7-10 days, and spray continuously 2-3 times.

5.2 Downy mildew can be sprayed with 25% metalaxyl wettable powder 600-800 times liquid, or 65% Daisen zinc wettable powder 600-800 times liquid, or 40% ethyl phosphor aluminum wettable powder 400 times liquid and other spray control Spray once every 7-10 days, and spray 3-4 times consecutively.

5.3 The core borer should be sprayed with 5% pyrethrin EC at 2000-2500 times or 500-1000 times with Bacillus thuringiensis, spraying once every 7-10 days.

6. Harvest

Harvest when radish fleshy roots are fully enlarged. Generally, water can be poured once 4-6 days before harvesting, and medication and fertilization should be stopped.

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