New research says the hippocampus in the brain is also involved in mood regulation
April 17, 2018 Source: Xinhuanet
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For a long time, researchers have focused on the role of the hippocampus in memory and cognition. Researchers at the University of Toronto in Canada reported in a new American academic journal, Contemporary Biology, that two regions of the hippocampus, named CA1 and CA3, are also involved in mood regulation.
The researchers experimented with mice and placed them in a "proximity-avoidance" conflict scenario. This is a method used by psychology to test the mechanism of emotional regulation. The analogy of human life experience is that a person is trying to enter his favorite restaurant to eat, suddenly seeing a person he hates is inside, this time is Going in or going away?
This study found that after temporarily inhibiting the activity of the CA1 region in the hippocampus of mice, mice tend to choose avoidance behavior; while inhibiting the activity of CA3 region, mice are more likely to choose close behavior.
Because addiction may be related to the regulation mechanism of proximity behavior, and anxiety and depression may be related to the regulation mechanism of avoidance behavior, the researchers believe that the relevant findings may provide new ideas for a series of mental disorders such as addiction, anxiety and depression.
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