Three crops of wheatgrass should be caught before sowing
October 18, 2018
Grass damage is one of the major obstacles to the capture of high yields in wheat. Many years of production practices have proved that to reduce weeds in wheat fields, in addition to using herbicides, it is also very important to do well in planting agriculture. To this end, it is recommended that farmers in all areas should effectively grasp the following three things before planting the large wheat: First, select wheat seeds and remove weed seeds. Seeds of weeds are generally mixed in the seeds of large wheat. Clearing these weed seeds thoroughly before sowing is the basis for alleviating weeds. Therefore, while the wheat seeds are carefully sifted, they must also be combined with disinfection treatment. The seeds should be selected with clean water or muddy water, and the weed seeds mixed in the wheat seeds should be cleaned as much as possible to reduce the damage to the weeds. The second is to change crop rotations and destroy the environment for weeds to survive and reproduce. When arranging the layout of winter crops, the wheat fields should be arranged as much as possible on the fields of green manure or rapeseed that were planted in winter last year. This can also alleviate grass damage to some extent. The reason for this is that green manure ploughs earlier, most of the weeds have been eliminated before it is solid, and rapeseed fields are convenient for cultivating and weeding. Most of the weeds have also been cleared at the seedling stage, so that the wheat can be reduced in these fields. Grass damage. The third is to compost organic fertilizers at high temperatures to kill weed seeds. There are a large number of weed seeds mixed in the crop straw husks. If we return the crops directly to the wheat fields without adequate rot, weeds will increase. Therefore, pig cattle fat and soil miscellaneous fertilizers applied to wheat fields must be broiled at a high temperature of 60°C or more, and they must be thoroughly rotted, so that the seeds of weeds will lose their vitality and alleviate the weeds.