How can I eat black sesame for kidney?

Black sesame seeds have the effect of emollient and black hair, but can you eat black sesame seeds for kidney? Many people think that black sesame seeds have kidney-building effect. Is this true? Is eating black sesame good for the kidney? The following small series reveals secret answers for you.

Is eating black sesame good for the kidney?

The traditional Chinese medicine of the motherland assigns different colors of food or medicine to the five internal organs of the human body: red into the heart, blue into the liver, yellow into the spleen, white into the lungs, and black into the kidney. Black foods are generally rich in trace elements and vitamins, and black sesame is the most typical representative.

Black sesame seeds are the black seeds of linseed, which are the traditional Chinese medicines of our country. They were first recorded in Shennongbir Materia Medica: “make up five organs, benefit strength, grow muscles, and fill brains. Jiufu is light and stale.” “Compendium of Materia Medica” It has also been recorded that black sesame seeds are used to treat various diseases such as lumbar and leg pain, occasional cold, and sores. According to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, "Black sesame is sweet, tastes flat, makes up liver and kidney, benefits essence and cleansing the intestines, and is used for dizziness, deafness, tinnitus, deafness, premature whitening, post-illness hair loss, and intestinal dry constipation."

Sesame can be divided into two kinds of black sesame and white sesame, but the medicine is used for black sesame. Eat more sesame can nourish kidney liver, nourishing eyesight, but also has the effect of making the hair black and bright. For the dizziness, white hair, hair loss, waist and knees, intestinal dryness and constipation caused by liver and kidney essence and blood deficiency, there is a better therapeutic effect.

Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that black sesame seeds are rich in fatty acids, proteins, pigments, zeolidins, various vitamins and minerals, and have the effects of delaying aging, laxativeness, skin care, and weight loss. At the same time, sesamin in black sesame can clear cholesterol, protect the liver, and stabilize blood pressure. Moreover, black sesame seeds contain fatty acids, sulfur amino acids and trace minerals required for hair growth, which can effectively prevent hair from falling off and make hair black and beautiful.

Black sesame to be ground and eat

Black sesame is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which can help brain, puzzle, anti-aging, and the body's abundant zinc. Many people often eat whole black sesame seeds, but this is not conducive to human absorption. If the black sesame is grated and eaten, the nutrients inside it will be more easily digested and absorbed. People who like to eat black sesame seeds, it is best to prepare a small mortar or pestle at home, or directly use a shredder to eat freshly ground.

The easiest and most effective way to eat is to simmer slowly and fry it. After frying, it is crushed into fine powder and mixed with a small amount of low-sodium salt to make sesame salt. Each time you eat, it is sprinkled on a steamed bun or put in a porridge and eaten together. It's delicious. Kidney. Fryed black sesame seeds, which are more easily absorbed by the body, can also be made into dumplings or sesame paste.

Although black sesame seeds are good, they should not be ingested in large amounts. Half a teaspoon each day in spring and summer and one tablespoon per day in autumn and winter can be used. Otherwise, it is too unpredictable and may cause hair loss. Soymilk is recommended to grind black sesame with peanuts and glutinous rice into powder, which is more conducive to absorption.

It should be noted that, sesame constipation Runchang, Spleen depression, loose stools can not be used. Some scholars believe that sesame should not be eaten with chicken and can be avoided as appropriate. Patients with hyperlipidemia should also pay attention to dosage.

Identification of dyed black sesame

When it comes to black ingredients, consumers are always worried about buying unsaleable black sesame seeds. If there is enough time to judge, black sesame seeds can be soaked in water. Natural black sesame seeds will not be noticeable, but they will not be noticeable, and the color change will be slow. If rubbing and soaking water can be seen immediately. To fade, it means that it is dyed black sesame.

Of course, when consumers buy in the supermarket, there is no water soaking condition, so users with nails may wish to dip a black sesame seed directly and cut through the middle to see what color the heart is because black sesame seeds are only black The part of the endosperm is still white. If the broken part is black, it means that it is stained. If the broken part is white, it means that the black sesame is true.

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