Danish research: mammography can lead to overdiagnosis

Danish research: mammography can lead to overdiagnosis

January 13, 2017 Source: World Wide Web

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According to a Reuters report on January 9, a Danish study showed that extensive breast cancer screening may screen for smaller, slow-growing tumors that would not be diagnosed if the diagnosis of advanced cancer cases was not inhibited. Has a fatal effect. Studies suggest that these screenings are associated with over-diagnosis of breast cancer.

The report said that in recent years, as more and more women undergo mammography, the diagnostic rate of early tumors and precancerous malignancies called breast ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) has risen sharply.

This study provides new evidence for the association between routine screening and overdiagnosis of benign tumors. It compares the results of the same time period in two different regions of Denmark. One region provides a biennial mammography test for women aged 59 to 69, while the other does not.

“Over-diagnosis means that some healthy women get an unnecessary diagnosis of breast cancer,” said Dr. Karsten Juhl Jorgensen, a principal researcher at the Nordic Cochrane Centre in Denmark.

He said: "Breast cancer diagnosis is a life-changing event for women and their families, which has a major impact on their quality of life." "Sometimes over-treatment can lead to surgery, radiation therapy, and sometimes chemotherapy. We know how serious these treatments are, and sometimes even fatal consequences."

According to the report, the researchers said in the Annals of Internal Medicine that breast screening has nothing to do with lower incidence of advanced tumors.

This raises doubts about whether mammography can reduce breast cancer death.

In addition, the researchers estimate that as many as one-third of breast tumors diagnosed in women undergoing mammography never cause significant health problems or death - these are over-diagnostics example of. (Guo Jingjing Tan Liya)

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