What happens when chestnut eats more?

Chestnuts have the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, strengthening the kidneys and strengthening the yang. Autumn and winter are the best time for eating chestnuts. Therefore, many people only eat delicious foods and eat too much, resulting in physical discomfort. What happens when the chestnuts are eaten? Let's learn about it together.

The health benefits of chestnuts:

1. Rich in unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins and minerals contained in chestnuts can prevent and treat diseases such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, osteoporosis, etc. It is a tonic for anti-aging and longevity.

2. Chestnuts contain riboflavin, and eating chestnuts is beneficial to children's sore tongue and adult oral ulcers.

3. Chestnut is a dried fruit variety with a high carbohydrate content, which can supply the body with more heat energy and can help fat metabolism. It has the effect of replenishing Qi and strengthening the spleen and thickening gastrointestinal tract.

4, chestnuts are rich in vitamin C, can maintain the normal function of teeth, bones, vascular muscles, can prevent and treat osteoporosis, Yaotuanruan, bone pain, fatigue, delaying human aging, is the ideal health care products for the elderly .


What happens when chestnuts are eaten?

1, chestnuts eat more easily stagnant, constipation

Rich in dietary fiber, chestnuts can serve as an effective substitute for our daily balanced dietary coarse grains. Chestnuts need only a small amount of food every day. Sticking to them can achieve a good nourishing effect. A lot of consumption will cause symptoms such as constipation and indigestion.

Because normal adults retain a small amount of gas per day in the gastrointestinal tract, excessive consumption of chestnuts will increase the amount of gas produced by bacterial glycolysis in the intestine, creating flatulence in the gastrointestinal tract, which may cause severe constipation. Chestnuts are difficult to digest raw food, cooked easily eat stagnant gas, so you can not eat too much at a time, to 10 or so is appropriate.

2, chestnuts eat more fat

Recently, the blog post “6 chestnuts equals 1 bowl of rice” was madly spread by netizens. It means that the small chestnut that seems to be insignificant is the number one enemy that affects human health and causes obesity.

The reason chestnuts eat more and become fat is that the chestnut starch content is very high, the glycemic index GI is higher (the food with high GI value is not good for losing weight), the calorie content of 100 grams of chestnut reaches 212 kcal, and the calorie content of 100 grams of rice is only 112 You can see that the chestnut calories are even worse than rice. Can you eat chestnuts without scruple?

3, eat more chestnuts affect blood sugar

Chestnuts are nuts, but they are not as rich in nuts as walnuts, hazelnuts, and almonds, and their starch is high. The carbohydrate content of dried chestnuts is 77%, which is equivalent to 75% of grains; fresh chestnut is also 40%, which is 2.4 times that of potatoes. Fresh chestnut protein content of 4% to 5%, although not as much as peanuts, walnuts, but slightly higher than cooked rice. The sugar contained in chestnuts is not low, therefore, when eating chestnuts tonic, avoid eating too much, especially diabetics, so as not to affect the stability of blood sugar.

Take a chestnut note:

According to experts, chestnut contains high-protein and high-sugars, which can stimulate gastric acid secretion and play a role in strengthening the stomach. It has high nutritional and health value. However, experts advise that there are two types of people who want to eat less, one is a patient with gastric ulcer, and the other is a patient with indigestion. Patients with gastric ulcers who consume chestnuts will have too much stomach acid, which will increase the burden on the stomach and severe stomach bleeding.

Teach you how to easily peel chestnuts:

1. Hot water immersion method: Wash the chestnuts and put them in the vessel, submerge them with boiled boiling water, and cover with a lid. After 5 minutes, the chestnuts were removed and the chestnut peeled off. This saves time and effort.

2, refrigerator freezing method: After the chestnuts are cooked, it will be cooled and placed in the freezer for two hours to allow the shell meat to separate. The chestnuts are peeled off and the chestnuts are complete.

3, microwave heating method: cut the raw chestnut shell with scissors, placed in the microwave heating high temperature for 30 seconds, inside a layer of clothing and meat that will automatically detach. Before using this method to remove chestnuts, be sure to cut out the shell, otherwise it may cause the microwave oven to malfunction.

4. Thermal expansion and contraction method: peel off the shell of the chestnut with a knife, put it in boiling water and cook for 3-5 minutes, remove and put it into cold water and soak it for 3~5 minutes immediately. It is easy to peel off the chestnut, and the taste is not change.

5, add salt boiling method: add some salt when cooking chestnuts, cooked well after peeling.

Although chestnuts are rich in nutrients, you should also pay attention when you eat them. Do not eat more.

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