Walnut tree leaves

A: Falling leaves are caused by many reasons, such as pests and diseases, water and fertilizer, light, and temperature. Under normal circumstances, it is necessary to find the reason from the root. If the leaves are mostly burned after the rain, i

August Taoyuan Management Calendar

As the saying goes, "July is on fire," the solar heat in August will be over in the Gregorian calendar, and temperatures will begin to fall. The sunshine time is shortened, the new shoots of peach trees begin to stop growing, and the lat

Potted Camellia Common Diseases and Prevention

1, root rot. The main cause of root rot is excessive watering, or poor drainage of pots and soils, and long periods of stagnant water that are not breathable, resulting in the inability of the roots of the camellia to breathe. As a result, the roots are rotted.

To solve this proble

Broad bean winter cultivation high-yield technology

In order to stably obtain high yields of more than 250 kilograms per mu, broad beans must create a long-lasting appearance of “previous year, flowering, flowering, and podping”. The following techniques should be applied to the trainin

High-yield techniques for high-yield bitter gourd in summer

"Bitter gourd in the process of growth, water and fertilizer should be sufficient, so that more can be melon. Sunny sun is violent, water evaporation is fast, need to be sprayed in time, to avoid drought, affecting plant growth and developmen

After the autumn, the main points of kiwifruit orchard management

At present, it is the key period for the formation of kiwifruit quality. So, what management measures should the fruit farmers do to improve the quality and yield of kiwifruit? On August 12th, the reporter interviewed Zhao Yingjie, senior agronomi

Fruit tree management needs to be timely after freezing

Reasonable trimming. After freezing, remove the frozen and non-shedding leaves in time to avoid further absorption of water and increase frost damage. Do not cut off the frozen and dried branches immediately. It should be cut shortly after the spring and death of the buds. Strengthen manag

Potato farming management technical measures

First, combined with cultivating and weeding, early seedlings of potato seedlings, when the seedlings are up to 10cm, combined with hoe grass loose soil, a cultivating shallow soil, the height of the soil is about 5cm; the potato buds are high-culti

How to best kidney fastest? Kidney food

Kidney bad symptoms

Nocturia increased (provided that you did not drink a lot of water before bedtime), edema of the eyelids in the morning, with the development of the condition may have hematuria (urine color redness), proteinuria