Eight Notes for Edible Crabs

Eight Notes for Edible Crabs It's time for the crabs to come on the market. In the fall season, crabs are not only plump, they are rich in vitamins, and they have certain medicinal value. It is a good time to enjoy them. However, many people who have eaten crabs suffer abdominal pain, diarrhea and nausea and vomiting. The following are eight precautions when eating crabs:

1. Crabs must be steamed and boiled. Do not eat raw crabs and crabs to feed on animal carcasses or humus. Therefore, crabs are covered with various types of bacteria and sludge in their body surface, tendon and gastrointestinal tract.

Some people eat the bacteria or parasites in their bodies because they haven’t washed their crabs and are not cooking thoroughly, or have raw crabs or salted crabs.

2, crab to eat fresh, do not eat dead crabs and crabs after the death of the rigid period and greatly shorten the period of autolysis, crab body bacteria will quickly multiply and spread to the crab meat, so that food vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. The shell of the fresh live crab is dark blue, shiny, with full umbilicus and white belly. The dying crab shell is yellow, and the crab legs are soft and difficult to straighten.

3, crabs should be steamed to eat, do not store if you can not finish, the rest must be kept in a clean, cool and ventilated place, eat must be boiled and then cooked thoroughly.

4, crabs should eat less, do not eat too much crab meat cold, spleen Deficiency should pay special attention to avoid abdominal pain and diarrhea.

5. Don't drink tea when you eat crab with tea and crab within 1 hour after eating crab. Because boiling water will dilute stomach acid, tea will solidify certain components of the crab, which is not conducive to digestion and absorption, and may also cause abdominal pain and diarrhea.

6, do not eat crab fat with persimmons when the persimmon is also cooked, these two things should be careful not to eat at the same time. Because the citric acid and other components of the persimmon will cause the crab protein to coagulate, the coagulation material will remain in the intestine for a long time to ferment and corrupt, causing vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other reactions, and may also cause stone disease.

7. When eating crabs, do not chew them. After opening the lid, pay attention to four clearings: Remove the crab stomach, which is the triangular bone pack in the crab cover. First eat the crab cover and use the spoon to put the crab in the middle. Partially pulled out, gently clean the outside of the wrapped crab yellow crab. Note, do not pierce the middle of the triangular cone-shaped crab stomach, which should be discarded in the dirty sand; after eating the crab cover to the crab body, first use scissors to cut the excess crab legs, crab mouth; use spoon handle Pick out a hexagonal sheet in the middle of the crab body. The crab heart should be discarded. There is also a crab intestine, which is a black line that passes from crab stomach to the crab's umbilicus. Crab razor clams, that is, two rows of soft and soft things that grow on the crab's abdomen, such as an eyebrow, should be removed.

8, five types of patients are not suitable for eating crab patients suffering from cold, fever, stomach pain and diarrhea. People with chronic gastritis, duodenal ulcer, cholecystitis, gallstone disease, active hepatitis. People with coronary heart disease, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and hyperlipidemia should eat less or not eat because of the high cholesterol content in crab yellow. Allergic person. Deficiency of the spleen and stomach.

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