Measures to avoid wilting of melon grafted seedlings

1. Don't use tall seedlings to graft and pay attention to the lighting in the shed to cultivate strong seedlings. If you use high seedlings to graft, don't get too far away from the interface of the ions.

2. Adjust the seedlings before grafting.

3. The top of the grafting site during grafting should cover direct sunlight.

4, if plugged, after grafting, consider the use of graft clips to clamp the interface (but must use grafting clips).

5, soil moisture appropriate nursery soil in order to grasp into a group, after loosening it is not easy to spread, but it can not be very wet and bad.

6, although the nursery soil moisture is appropriate, but still moderate shading after grafting, avoid direct sunlight grafted seedlings.

7. After the interface is healed, the grafted anvil is first rubbed to limit the water absorption of the grafted anvil root, and the grafted anvil is cut off in a few days.

Vector V16 NLS

Vector V16 NLS is a diagnosis and therapy device. Another well-known method for diagnosing the state of energy in a person - is Kirlian‟s aura-diagnostics . It is used to determine the state of the electromagnetic field of a human in general. Status of individual organs is determined by the configuration of their biofield. NLS-diagnostic method allows the evaluation of the state of bio-energy of each organ individually. The results can be obtained in the form of visual images with the topography of the affected area, as well as the graphical features which allow us to analyze damage to body tissue, allowing more accurately to determine not only the type of injury (inflammation or destruction), but also to clarify the diagnosis.

Vector V16 NLS

Vector V16 NLS,Body Health Nonlinear NLS Scanner

Shenzhen Guangyang Zhongkang Technology Co., Ltd. ,