Obesity should drink tea

Drinking tea to lose weight has become one of the most fashionable ways to lose weight. Many busy white-collar workers will choose to drink tea to lose weight. What to drink to lose weight is the fastest and best, and following this issue, we recommend several healthy and effective ones. Slimming tea, I believe that after reading it, you will not think about what to drink for the fastest weight loss.

1, green tea

Green tea weight loss principle:

Green tea can be said that we are most familiar with the most commonly cited tea, can play a role in health care, so why do you say that green tea also has the effect of slimming, why is it? Green tea contains aromatic compounds that can dissolve fat, And can eliminate the accumulation of fat in the body. In addition, green tea also contains vitamin B1, vitamin C, and caffeine, which can play a role in promoting the secretion of gastric juice in the human body and help digestion and cellulite elimination.

What tea to drink is the fastest and best way to lose weight. Green tea is definitely the first one to be recommended. In addition to the advantages described above, green tea contains catechins, what is catechins, and has a main antioxidant that can be removed. Free radicals and components that promote the body's metabolism can help reduce excess fat in the body, which is very helpful for weight loss.

Green Tea Diet for the Fit: Obesity Caused by Slow Metabolism

Green tea drinking methods: green tea is most suitable for drinking about 1 hour after a meal. Drink 1000 ml a day. Although drinking green tea is helpful for losing weight, it is not suitable for drinking too much, so as not to affect the body's absorption of iron.

2, lotus tea

What tea to drink the fastest to lose weight, tea tea is also one of the healthy slimming tea. Since ancient times, lotus leaf tea has been used as a good medicine for weight loss. The main components of lotus leaf tea include nuciferine, malic acid, citric acid, gluconic acid, oxalic acid succinic acid and other alkaline components that resist mitosis.

The lotus leaves are lukewarm, the taste points are spicy, non-toxic, and have the functions of detoxification, dehumidification, deposition, clearing, and diuretic bowel movement. Therefore, the tea made from lotus leaves can play a role in breaking down fat, improving constipation and diuresis.

The lotus leaf tea weight loss suits the crowd: The constipation type obesity, the edema type fatness, the upper body fat type, the flesh is looser the obese person.

3, Pu'er tea

Pu'er tea weight loss principle:

Pu'er tea is made from Yunnan large-leaf tea, which can promote the body's metabolism and accelerate the rate of fat decomposition.

Pu-erh tea to fit the crowd: For obese people with more abdominal fat.

How to drink: Drink 1.5 liters of Pu'er tea each day and drink before the meal. The effect of weight loss will be good.

4. Jim Nima Tea

The principle of slimming of the Jim Nima tea: The Jim Nima tea is an Indian tea that can suppress the absorption of sugar, so there is a more direct name called "sugar kill." After drinking the Jim Nima tea, the sweet taste in the mouth of the drinker will disappear, the intake of sugar will be greatly reduced, and the conversion of sugar into fat will be controlled in the body.

How to drink: Drink Jim Nima tea before eating sugar, or chew tea directly, the effect of slimming will be better.

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