Suffering from Parkinson's disease or being confused by the immune system
June 27, 2017 Source: Technology Daily
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Parkinson's disease is a common neurodegenerative disease. Although scientists have recognized the most important pathological changes in this disease, the exact cause of this change has not been known so far. It is currently believed that genetic factors, environmental factors, and ageing may all be involved.
It is generally believed that neurodegenerative diseases have no autoimmune features, but previous genetic studies have found that Parkinson's disease is associated with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) gene variants. MHC proteins bind to processed protein fragments and present these proteins on the cell surface, allowing them to be sampled by immune cells. Most fragments are ignored by the immune system, but some cause T cell responses.
One characteristic of Parkinson's disease is that alpha-synuclein aggregates in nerve cells, causing the death of dopamine-secreting neurons nearby. The disease is also associated with defects in protein processing. In theory, abnormal protein processing leads to the production and presentation of abnormal protein fragments, which are recognized by T cells and activate T cells to trigger an immune response.
This time, Columbia University researcher David Sulzer and colleagues compared samples from 67 healthy people with Parkinson's disease and control group, and found that T cells in Parkinson's disease patients can recognize a series of α. - Synaptophysin-producing peptides, but healthy people cannot. The findings suggest that the patient's immune system has a "memory" of alpha-synuclein that has previously been exposed to and attacked the protein and its nearby neurons. Autoimmune response may be the cause behind Parkinson's disease, and may also explain the relationship between Parkinson's disease and MHC gene mutation.
The researchers said the results will help people finally understand the causes of Parkinson's disease and open up new avenues for the treatment of the disease. (Reporter Zhang Mengran)
Colon Hydrotherapy Machine Principle:
The Colon Hydrotherapy Machine adopts the non-intrusive method to provide a safe and comfortable therapy, and it can operated easily; the user only need to hold the are-shape hydrotherapy nozzle and put it on the anus gently, the treated pure water with constant temperature and pressure will flow into the colon from the anus.
a lubricant layer between the intestinal wall and feces forms soon after water enters the colon; then the impacted feces and toxins will be evacuated through natural excretion mechanisms by decomposing the impacted feces, and promoting the squirm of large intestine.
The process enables a quick and thorough defecation. It is completely painless, non-toxic and free of side effects. Besides, the ozone generator in the system can provide ozone water for gynecologic and skin sterilization.
Colon Hydrotherapy Machine Function:
Get rid of constipation: colon hydrotherapy system will dissolve and dilute impacted feces, and stimulate the natural defecation function. Eliminate impacted feces and toxins: colon hydrotherapy system adopts physical method to clean out the impacted feces and toxins, thus it will reduce risk of
There`re not only the residues of digested food but also a lot of toxins, such as ammonia which may induce hepatic coma, hydrogen sulfide affecting the nervous system, methylindole leading to cancer, botulinum toxin, Tan toxic alkali, benzene, formic acid, butyric acid and so on. With the growing age, feces and toxins gradually accumulate in the body;
Been absorbed into the blood system by the intestinal mucosa, they will cause damage to the organs, meanwhile, lead to digestive system diseases and skin problems, even though make blood pressure problem, heart disease, Alzheimer`s and other symptoms worse. Impacted feces accumulate in the colon for a long time is an important inducement to the colorectal cancer.
Gynecologic and skin sterilization: colon hydrotherapy system (except comfort type) has ozone generator to produce ozone water for sterilization of harmful bacteria. Except for removing surface skin bacteria, it can also used for killing harmful bacteria which may cause gynecological inflammation, so it can be used for the treatment of vulva inflammation.
Colon Hydrotherapy Machine,Colon Hydrotherapy,Portable Colon Hydrotherapy Machine,Colon Hydrotherapy Equipment
Shenzhen Guangyang Zhongkang Technology Co., Ltd. ,