Select pesticides, we must first look at pests

Insecticides can only work if they enter the body of the pest and reach the site of action. Therefore, in order to fully understand the characteristics and living habits of pests, the correct insecticides can be used against pests in the course of chemical control.

Most insecticides enter

How can I eat black sesame for kidney?

Black sesame seeds have the effect of emollient and black hair, but can you eat black sesame seeds for kidney? Many people think that black sesame seeds have kidney-building effect. Is this true? Is eating black sesame good for the kidney? The following small serie

How emergency contraception women should care about their own issues

Emergency contraception refers to a type of contraceptive remedy that is used within the effective period of time after a sexual life without contraceptive use (non-protective) or contraceptive failure (breaking or falling of a condom, missing contraceptive pill,

Urgently reminds that the epidemic has entered a period of high incidence

Yesterday, the website of the National Health and Family Planning Commission released the “Overview of National Statutory Infectious Diseases in January 2017”, which showed that in January, the number of people infected with the H7N9 bird flu was 192, and the number of deaths

Cough can eat passion fruit?

Passion fruit, commonly known as Brazil fruit, scientific name Passionflower, shape like eggs, also known as "egg fruit." Because of its fragrant flavour, it can exude the rich flavor of many fruits such as pomegranates, mangoes, bananas, pineapples, stra

Ten Methods for Prevention and Control of Edible Fungi Green Mould

First, reduce the mushroom house temperature and humidity, increase ventilation, and use plants and ash to cover the mold, to prevent the spread of mold spores. Second, the first with 3% of Lysol solution or 3% formaldehyde solution spray indoor smoke, and then use 1% potassium permanganate so