How to plant peacock grass

Peacock cultivation method

How to plant peacock grass with peacock grass, peacock grass is also called small marigold, red yellow grass, celery, stinky chrysanthemum, satin flower, etc. It is an annual herb of the genus Marigold, native to Mexico, often in gardens throughout China. It is cultivated and has been naturalized in central and northwestern Yunnan, central and southwestern Sichuan, and western Guizhou. Let's take a look at the cultivation method of peacock grass!

Peacock cultivation method

Growth habits of peacock grass

Peacock is born in hillside grassland and forest at an altitude of 750-1600 meters, or cultivated in a garden. It is sunny, but it can also be planted in the semi-shade. The requirements for soil are not strict, it is resistant to transplanting, and it grows rapidly, and cultivation and management are very easy. Seeds scattered on the ground can grow spontaneously in suitable temperature and humidity conditions, and are a very adaptable flower.

Peacock cultivation method

Peacock breeding method

  1. Sowing and breeding: peacock grass sowing and breeding is carried out from November to March, winter and spring sowing is from March to May, and sowing can be carried out in the courtyard or in pots. After planting, the potted plants can be planted in about 1 month. .
  2. Cutting propagation: peacock grass cutting propagation between 6 and 8 months, cutting about 10 cm long shoots directly inserted in the courtyard, shade coverage, rapid growth, can be directly inserted into the flower pot. The summer and autumn cuts are flowering from August to December, and the cuttings can survive regardless of whether they are inserted or inserted into the bed.
Peacock cultivation method

Peacock cultivation method

  1. Transplanting the basin: The peacock grass seedlings should be transplanted into the basin when it is 2 to 3 pairs of true leaves. In Zhejiang, most of them are accustomed to using 12 cm of nutrient mash, once in the basin, no longer. Change the basin. If the seedlings are spread by open seedling trays, they should be smeared, and when 2 to 3 pairs of true leaves are used, the seedlings are directly transplanted.
  2. Light regulation: peacock grass is a positive plant, and the growth and flowering require sufficient sunlight, and sufficient light is also beneficial to prevent the plant from growing. However, in the province from July to September, it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight, and to shave and cool down before noon.
  3. Temperature control: The temperature of the peacock grass can be lowered from 22 °C to 18 °C after several weeks, and can be reduced to 15 °C after several weeks. It can be as low as 12~14 °C before and after flowering. Such temperature is ideal for forming a good plant shape. However, it may be difficult to achieve this condition in actual production. Therefore, generally speaking, as long as it is above 5 ° C, it will not be frozen, and it can grow well between 10 and 30 ° C.
  4. Moisture management: The key to water management of peacock grass is to use well-drained medium. Although it is important to keep the medium moist, it is necessary to dry properly before each watering. Of course, the medium cannot be dried and the plants will wither.
  5. Fertilization method: For peacock grass to be cultivated entirely by artificial medium, fertilization should be carried out by applying 20-10-20 and 14-0-14 fertilizers at a concentration of 200-250 ppm for 7-10 days. When the temperature is low in winter, reduce the use of 20-10-20 fertilizer. If the medium is in ordinary soil, it can be mixed with the compound fertilizer as a base fertilizer before the medium is filled. If the fertility is insufficient, apply water-soluble fertilizer.
  6. Pest control: common diseases of peacock grass include brown spot disease, powdery mildew, etc. It is a fungal disease. It should be cultivated well, pay attention to irrigation and drainage, remove diseased plants, diseased leaves, burnt branches, and spray rust powder in time. Bactericide.

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