What can't be eaten during pregnancy?

In order to increase the hit rate during pregnancy, you need to work hard on your diet. For example, you can't eat anything during pregnancy, what to eat during pregnancy, and it is always helpful to know more about it. The following regimen will introduce you to what you can't eat during pregnancy.


1, spicy food

For couples planning to become pregnant, especially for pregnant women who are already pregnant, spicy foods can become a serious obstacle to healthy pregnancy. Spicy foods can cause normal people's digestive disorders, such as: stomach upset, indigestion, constipation, and even acne.

After pregnancy, as the fetus grows up, it affects the digestive function and defecation of the pregnant woman. If the pregnant woman always maintains the habit of eating spicy food, the result will aggravate pregnant women's symptoms of indigestion, constipation or hemorrhoids. The aspect will also affect the supply of pregnant women to the fetus nutrition, and even increase the difficulty of childbirth.

2. Artificial food

From the raw material production until the food is consumed, the food will undergo many necessary links. It may be contaminated to varying degrees and cause harm to the human body. Fresh natural foods should be used as far as possible to avoid eating foods containing additives, pigments and preservatives. Vegetables should be fully cleaned, and fruits should be peeled and eaten to avoid pesticide contamination.

3, high-sugar foods

Prior to pregnancy, both husband and wife, especially women, who regularly consume high-sugar foods, may often cause disorders of glucose metabolism and may even become potential diabetics. After pregnancy, gestational diabetes is highly prone to occur due to the need of the fetus in the pregnant woman, the increase in the intake of pregnant women, or the maintenance of the pre-pregnancy diet. Diabetes during pregnancy not only endangers the health of the pregnant woman herself, but more importantly threatens the healthy development and growth of the fetus in the pregnant woman's body, and is prone to premature birth, miscarriage or stillbirth.

After the baby is born, the pregnant woman becomes a typical diabetic patient, and the baby may be a huge child or a patient with brain development disorder, which affects the baby's healthy growth.

4, medical supplies

Only pregnant mothers can't take medicines indiscriminately before pregnancy, and prospective fathers can't take medicines within 2-3 months before pregnancy. Some drugs will not only interfere with the formation of sperm, and their toxicity will also enter the vagina with the semen, resulting in combined fetal malformation mortality is too high, such as cyclophosphamide, nitrogen mustard, cisplatin and other drugs, must avoid taking before pregnancy. If you really need to take medicine to get sick, it's best to ask the doctor before taking it.

5, contraceptive food

Coffee has a direct impact on conception. Women who drink more than one cup of coffee per day are less likely to become pregnant.

Carrots are rich in carotene and various vitamins and beneficial nutrients for the human body, but women's large amounts of carrots, after ingesting large amounts of carotenoids, can cause amenorrhea or cause normal ovulation in the ovaries.

Eat more garlic, the righteousness of the governor, there is a clear role in the killing of sperm.

The papain contained in the papaya can interact with progesterone, thereby playing the role of killing sperm.

6, pickled food

This type of food contains nitrite, phenylpropanone, etc., nitrite easily lead to poisoning, and nitrite amines, benzopyrene and aflatoxin are recognized as the three general cancer substances. Eating these preserved foods during pregnancy can also lead to miscarriage, premature birth, and even fetal malformations.

7, canned food

Canned foods from the raw materials to the production process, adding a lot of additives, such as synthetic colors, flavors, preservatives and so on. Additives and preservatives are risk factors for teratogenic and miscarriage.

8, tobacco alcohol

It is best to quit smoking alcohol 3 to 6 months before pregnancy. More than 20 harmful ingredients in tobacco can cause changes in chromosomes and genes. These harmful mutagens will directly enter the reproductive system through the blood of the smoker, which will not only reduce the vitality of sperm, but also cause malformed energies and make pregnancy more difficult.

Alcohol and its toxic decomposing substances can easily cause chromosomal aberrations and make children deformed. However, any beverage containing alcohol or some carbonated beverages, such as rice wine, rum, and cola, are harmful to the reproductive health of young men.

Pregnancy may wish to eat more of the following food: bean sprouts contain a variety of vitamins, can eliminate teratogenic substances in the body, and promote the production of sex hormones. Leek is rich in volatile oil, cellulose and other ingredients, crude fiber can help smoke and drink this toxic. The colloidal substances such as kelp and seaweed can promote the radioactive substances in the body to be excreted with the feces, which can reduce the occurrence of radioactive diseases.


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