What is the cold pale face eat?

Stomach cold refers to the symptoms of chilly air condensing in stomach cramps caused by cold food or spleen and stomach yang deficiency. Patients often feel epigastric pain, as well as vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and heat. In addition to the cold stomach caused stomach pain, adverse physical circulation and metabolism, a long time will also affect the skin condition, easily lead to dark circles, pale complexion, dark. Eating more warm stomach foods can help you alleviate the cold stomach and improve your complexion.



Ginger can cold in the cold, cure spleen and stomach cold syndrome. Whether it is outside the cold invasion of the cold, or the spleen and stomach yang deficiency can be applied. Since ancient times, there has been "Jiang Neng Jiang Yu hundred evil, so that the ginger," said. Ginger can not only stimulate the human sweat, but also has the effect of warm stomach, drive wind, cold and so on.

sweet potato

The "Supplement to the Outline" records: "Buzhong, Nuanwei, Feiwu Dirty." Both can porridge, steamed, baked and so on. Cut sweet potatoes into small pieces to make porridge and drink. If you feel that it is relatively single, you can add appropriate amounts of red dates. This kind of nutrition can make blood and warm the stomach, and it is more likely to cause appetite.


The mutton is warm and sweet, rich in fat, protein, carbohydrates, inorganic salts, and essential nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron. It is often used as a warm-keeping and tonic tonic. It has a warm kidney and an appetizing health. Spleen, cold and dampness effect.


Peanuts have the effect of warming the stomach and dispelling cold, and many medical records have been recorded in the treatment of stomach diseases. "Compendium of Materia Medica" said: "Peanuts pleasing the spleen and stomach, lungs and phlegm, nourishing qi, Qingyan itching." "Medicine test" records: "Eating peanuts Yangwei Xingpi, Huanzhe Runzao." Daily amount Eating peanuts has certain benefits for stomach-building.

Chinese cabbage

Cabbage is warm and sweet, and it enters the spleen and stomach. There warm stomach Qi, cold and wind effect. For stomach cramps and cold pain, abdominal fear of cold, poor bowel movements and other improvements. When cooking Chinese cabbage, it is necessary to put a proper amount of vinegar, both in terms of taste and in terms of protecting nutrients. Vinegar can decompose calcium, phosphorus, and iron in Chinese cabbage, which is beneficial to human body absorption.

Multi Span Plastic Film Greenhouse

Arch greenhouse is a kind of economical greenhouse, which is welcomed by the users with graceful curve form and low cost. It has beautiful appearance, fluent visual, reasonable structure and good performance for keep temperature. It is economical greenhouse because of its relatively low manufacturing cost. It can be applied in most areas of China. Double membrane greenhouse is used more in north of China, while single film greenhouse is used more in southern region. It can get maximum sunlight when visible light is within the scope of 0.4 to 0.7 microns and form a thick envelope, which can effectively prevent heat loss and prevent the invasion of cold air. Adopting a double membrane can greatly improve heat preservation performance of the greenhouse and save operating cost. The top cover material is polyethylene lifelong anti-fog and anti-dipping film po-covering. The outer of it has the function of UV protection and the inner has the function of preventing from the sets of dew. According to the needs of customers, the sides of the greenhouse can be covered with polyethylene lifelong anti-fog and anti-dripping po-covering or polycarbonate hollow plate.

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