When you are in heat, you need to keep it healthy.

After the summer heat to prevent Qiuzao

The significant feature of summer heat is air drying. People often feel tight skin, even peeling, dandruff, dry lips or cracks, nasopharyngeal fever, dry stools, so the health of the solar term can not be separated from the prevention of Qiuzao. In general, the relative humidity of the air that the human body feels most comfortable is 40% to 60%. If it is too high or too low, it will feel uncomfortable. Because of the small amount of moisture in the air in the fall, the relative humidity drops, especially when the relative humidity of the air is lower than 30%, people will feel rough dry skin, dry and painful nasal cavity, dry mouth and throat, and dry stools. Take preventive measures in time to avoid development of the disease (ie "Autumn Dryers").


The method of dietary health care has a good preventive effect on "Qiuzao", and in particular it proposes to eat more cold and juicy vegetables, fruits and liquid foods such as cucumbers, tomatoes, melons, lilies, white radishes, carrots and pears, and apples. Grapes, alfalfa, sugar cane, citrus, bananas, persimmons, pineapples, mangosteen, jujube and soup, porridge, etc., this is not only conducive to vitamin supplementation, but also can increase the intake of water. Eat as much as possible on the diet pepper, chili and other hot food, but also should not eat barbecue foods, in order to increase the symptoms of Qiuzao.

Increase the intake of water and liquid food, and promote the adoption of the "May 12" method: "51" means 5 cups, that is, 1 cup of boiled water after getting up in the morning, 1 cup of soymilk at breakfast, and 1 during lunch. Bowl soup, drink a bowl of porridge at dinner, drink 1 cup of milk half an hour before bedtime; "2" means drink two cups of tea each morning and afternoon. Here are three prevention of "Qiuzao" flow food care:

1. Pear porridge: 2 to 3 pears, washed and chopped and enlarged to 100 grams, add water and porridge. Pear, sweet and sour, cool, there is Shengjin Runzao, heat and phlegm effect, rice spleen Qi, both cook together for the porridge, with Qi and spleen, nourishing yin and moistening effect, can be used as a preventive Qiuzao Healthy food.

2. Lily fungus porridge: 50 grams of fresh lily, white fungus 10 grams, 100 grams of rice. Wash and chop the lily. After the tremella is opened with warm water, wash it and chop it. Cook it with rice. Lily, sweet and slightly cold, has the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing the lungs, soothe the heart and calm the nerves; white fungus, sweet and light and flat, with nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, nourishes the stomach and stimulating the body fluid; rice qi and spleen, the three are cooked together as porridge, With Runyin Runzao, Bu Yang Yang Xin, the role of spleen and Sheng Jin, suitable for consumption in the dry autumn.

3. Silver Baiqiu pear soup: Tremella 10 grams, lily 10 grams, 1 autumn pear, crystal sugar amount. Wash the autumn pears and cut them into small pieces. Add water to make white fungus and lily and rock sugar. Put them into a bowl and steam them on the fire for 1 hour. Eat pears and drink soup. It has the effect of nourishing yin, moistening dryness, and relieving cough and phlegm. Yu Qichao cough, dry cough with less sputum.

After the summer health care spleen and kidney

Summer heat is at the transition from heat to cold. The yang of the natural world tends to converge from dredging, and the ups and downs of the yin and yang of the human body also change. Treatment of health in summer focuses on adjusting the spleen and kidneys, and adapting to the changes in the gas of yin and yang, not only can maintain autumn health, but also can play a role in eliminating summer heat and storing energy for the winter.

People often think that winter can kidney. In fact, the "Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" has long pointed out that if you do not follow the law of autumn health will be "inflicted on the lung injury, winter phlegm leakage, and less to purse." Lead to impaired renal function, and then the symptoms of kidney deficiency. During the summer season, yang is hidden, and it is most suitable for filling kidneys and filling essence. Pigeon eggs are called "animal ginseng" and have the function of replenishing kidney qi and strengthening sexual function. "With the interest of home diet spectrum" describes the pigeon eggs: "Gan, Ping, Bushenyishen", is complementary but not dry help Yang food.

1. Take 10 grams of Morinda officinalis, Eucommia ulmoides, and Cuscuta, add 1000 ml of fresh water and boil for 20 minutes, and take the concoction. The concoction is boiled together with 6 pigeon eggs (with shells). The pigeon eggs are cooked and soaked in the liquid. They are fed 2 other days. This side adjusts the liver and kidney, helps the Yang Sheng Jing, attending impotence caused by impotence, premature ejaculation, infertility, backache leg weakness.

2. Take 10 grams of wolfberry fruit and longan meat, add 500 ml of fresh water to boil, add 2 pigeon eggs (shelled), and put a few fine salted seasoned pigeon eggs and serve them once a day. This side of the kidney to help Yang, tranquilizers Yang Xin, attending heart and kidney does not pay due to premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission, insomnia and dreams.

Get up early to bed and get up early to prevent fall

In addition to a reasonable diet, we must also ensure adequate sleep and sleep quality to eliminate fatigue and enhance immunity. Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Neurology Chen Bing, chief physician, after a long hot summer night, many elderly people have a lack of sleep, and the weather gradually cool after the summer heat, should change the habit of sleeping in the summer, early to bed early, early Prevention of lack of autumn.

If you do not sleep well, be sure to pay close attention to this time. Drugs and psychotherapy also keep up. In particular, the elderly, Chen Mei sent a two-word health sentence: “The youngest person is a big trouble for the elderly,” and “when there is drowsiness, it is a pillow.” Modern studies have also found that 0 to 4 hours, the function of various organs in the body have been reduced to the lowest point; 12 to 13 hours, is the most time for the human sympathetic nerve fatigue.

Statistics show that the elderly naps can reduce the incidence of heart and cerebrovascular diseases, and it is also one of the important methods for keeping fit in the fall. (Integrated from Health Times, Beijing Youth Daily)

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