Regulation of feeding environment for geese during brooding

The geese brooding period refers to the feeding period from hatching to 4 weeks of age. At this time, the regulation of the feeding environment is the focus of the breeding gosling management, which directly affects the growth and development, survival rate, and production

Treatment of spasm syndrome

If you write or play the instrument for a long time, your fingers and arms will feel tingling and stiff. If you continue writing, the symptoms will increase, and the local muscles will also have spastic contractions. In severe cases, arm tw

How to eat Korean barbecue

Korean barbecue, Korean cuisine in a big dish. A lot of favorite foods like Korean food ~ Well, do you know how to eat Korean barbecue only authentic? Take a look at the correct way to open the Korean barbecue.

What to treat constipation

Due to the physiological characteristics of women, women are more vulnerable to constipation. Some people don’t take constipation seriously. Others, because of their face, refuse to see a doctor. In fact, long-term constipation can easily lead to even more t

Bedding material utilization technology of cow dung

There are many ways to utilize the manure resources. As a bed mattress material, it is one of the methods for using cow dung. The manure of the dairy farm is separated by solid-liquid separation. The solid cow manure is treated as a bed mattress after being piled up and fermented or fermen

Fire garlic cultivation tips

First, choose garlic species: generally garlic with large, neat, flap, hypertrophic disease-free white garlic.

Second, take a trip: You can use the existing Nanxun, you can also re-approach, use the brick surface. You must wipe out quilting. After the smashing, we will spread the 1

What should I eat for health in the summer?

We often hear the old saying, “Autumn Spring and Autumn Difficulties,” and after a summer, many of my friends’ physical consumption is relatively large. Therefore, during the period of the summer heat, we are in a period of fall. Physical fatigue is a common phenomenon d