The advantages and disadvantages of eating jackfruit

Speaking of tropical fruits, I believe we all can think of three kinds of things: pineapples, jackfruits and durians. The three kinds of pineapple are believed to be very common, and durian is overweight because some people even avoid it. So what do you know

Prevention of corn stickworm has high skills

The corn stickworm prefers a warm and humid environment and is prone to outbreak under meteorological conditions with high precipitation, high soil and air humidity. Do not ignore this tiny corn stickworm. When the big pests happen, they often eat up all the leaves, leaving only light stalks,

Maize seedling management new essentials

Time cultivating and weeding. The cultivator should be shallow before and after the seedlings, and the cultivator should be deep before and after the jointing stage, and the distance between the rows can reach about 10 cm. Seedlings are usually cultivated twice. Herbicides can be sprayed o

Summer sun exposure 5 summer sunscreen

In addition to applying sunscreen, summer sunscreens also eat more sunscreen. What sunscreen do you eat in summer? Next, let's see which foods have sun protection.

5 kinds of summer essential sunscreen foods:

1. Nuts

For the skin, the oil that is eaten may be ei

Millet sphygmomanometer evaluation: reliable?

Old people do not like to go to the hospital often, the most daily blood pressure measurement, if the traditional sphygmomanometer is slower, and the scale is relatively small, it is a test for the elderly with poor eyesight. The average electronic sph

Fruit tree pruning saw mouth processing method

In the winter, the fruit trees will begin to be trimmed. This is one of the effective measures to maintain high and stable production of fruit trees. Some fruit trees use large saws to remove large branches and cause large kerfs. If the kerf is handled improperly, it must not be healed, an