Clever use of yellow mud to clean oil on agricultural machinery

Before tractors and farm implements are repaired or painted, it is a headache to clean up oil. Generally, thicker sludge is cleaned up with a wooden strip or a screwdriver, and then cleaned with gasoline, a diesel brush, or a cleaning agent. Cleaning with this method not only wastes energy, but also has a high cleaning cost. In order to save the use of gasoline, diesel oil, or cleaning agents to clean up oil and reduce costs, it is necessary to use a wooden strip or a screwdriver to carefully clean the sludge, which is time-consuming, labor-intensive and inefficient. When it comes to the formation of oil contamination from the leakage of gear oil, cleaning up is even more difficult. Now introduce a method that can solve the above problem.

Take the loess without sand, use water and mud, and use it as a backup. Determine the amount of yellow mud according to the size of the cleaned oil area. Clean the tractor and the farmer's oily place with a wooden strip or a screwdriver. Then, apply a good yellow mud. After the sludge is dry, cracks appear. The oil is also adsorbed on the yellow mud, and the oil is easily removed. If there is residual yellow mud, wash it off with water. If the oil is thick and thick, it will not be cleaned once. Can be cleaned again with the above method, the oil can be completely cleaned. Loess is easy to find in rural areas. Using this method to clean up oil, simple operation, environmental protection, energy conservation, and cost-free is a simple and easy method.

Greenhouse Wiggle Wire

Wiggle wire lock is designed to be used with poly lock base cap- sold separately. Greenhouse wiggle wire and base care are an effective method of attaching your poly film roof and or shade cloth. The greenhouse wiggle wire lock will hold form 4 mil to 20 mil thickness of material. Use one wire to hold the roof in place and then add a second wire to hold your shade cloth. When it is time to remove the shade cloth, you will not disturb the roof plastic.
Universal Base (WIG2000)- used on the curved surface, i.e. the arch for attaching the end wall covering.
Standard Base (WIG1000) - used along the straight lengths of your greenhouse.

Greenhouse Wiggle Wire,Greenhouse Steel Wire,Greenhouse Spring Wire