Pregnant women eat more pomegranate

Pomegranate is rich in nutrients, contains a variety of nutrients essential to the human body. Fruit contains vitamin C and B vitamins, organic acids, sugars, proteins, fats, and calcium, phosphorus, potassium and other minerals. What benefits does the pregnant wom

Beef breeder taboo breeding

The feeding of beef burdock has the following disadvantages: 1 It does not meet the biological characteristics of beef cattle. Long-term deterrence is not conducive to the growth and development of fattening cattle, especially young cattle, and is not conducive to the deposition of protein and

The pharmacological effects of light bamboo

Pharmacological effects:

1. Antipyretic effect of light bamboo leaves: The water extract of the product is given orally by injecting yeast suspension to induce fever. The rats have antipyretic effects. The antipyretic active ingredi

3D printer enters the PLA General Hospital

If you receive a gift on a certain holiday and open it and find it is your own ear or your own face, don't be alarmed. This is not a big American movie, just a small test of 3D printer. At present, in the Kunming General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army (43 Ho

Wheat soil pest control method

The main pests of wheat that damage the ground are fleas, cockroaches and golden worms, which mainly occur in the autumn seedling stage of wheat and after the green season and the filling stage. Its prevention and control methods are:

Toxic soil with 5% phoxim granules per kilogram 2

The fruit characters of callus

Fruit traits:

(1) The seeds of B. edodes are flat and round with a slightly raised back surface. The flag is relatively flat with a diameter of -5mm and a thickness of 1-1.5mm. The surface is reddish-brown, brownish-black or green-b

Newborn pig fast iron supplement

The most common nutrient for newborn pigs is iron. Studies have found that there is a serious shortage of iron storage in the newborn pigs. The newborn pig has only 150 milligrams of iron per kilogram of body weight. The pig can only get 1 milligram of iron per day from breast milk in the norm