How to reduce the loss of water and vegetables after harvest

1. Packed in plastic film or crisper such as polyethylene.

2. The surface of the vegetable is waxed and coated to block the evaporation of water from the surface of the vegetable to the atmosphere.

3. Increase the environmental humidity and control the relative humidity of

What is the skill of pumpkin watering and fertilization?

The fruit of the pumpkin can be used as food. The whole plant is also used for medicinal purposes. The seeds contain pumpkin amino acids, which have the effects of clearing away heat and dehumidifying and deworming. They have the effect of controlling and killing schistosomiasis. The vine

The nutritional value of watermelon seeds

The watermelon seeds are the seeds of the cucurbit watermelon and are edible or medicinal. In general, the seeds of the watermelons we eat daily can also be made into watermelon seeds, but they are too small. Therefore, the watermelons produced on the market are us

How does Pleurotus ostreatus cultivate better quality?

Pleurotus ostreatus is a fungus vegetable that has many nutritional values. The advantage of clinker cultivation is that it is beneficial to the hyphae to feed, easy to control the infection of the bacteria, and the bioconversion rate is improved. The method is:

Weigh the culture m

Osamu today! Have you learned these methods of health?

This year's Osamu on January 5, when the natural world of yin and yang, the cold attack on people, can easily damage the heart and kidney yang. Authoritative experts take you to keep your yang in your body and spend your winter healthy.

How to do dry beans

1. The base fertilizer should be sufficient, the proportion of organic fertilizer should be increased appropriately, and the fertile farmyard manure should be applied. The topdressing should be carried out in time during the growth process. The topdressing is generally based on urea, which is

Why did Apple fall in the late stage of apple expansion?

Apple mildew is a disease that damages the fruit when the fruit is close to maturity to storage, causing fruit mold, heart rot or early shedding. The control of apple mildew disease should adopt a combination of the growth and treatment of the growing season and the storage conditions unde

How do you control the growth of lettuce?

First of all, you should choose the right season and good variety. If you are in the middle and late stages of bamboo shoots, the nutrient produced by the leaves will be mainly transported to the fleshy stems, and the potassium fertilizer will be the main fertilizer to keep the soil moist

Should the autumn 茬 vegetable seedlings be fertilized?

The cultivation time of autumn sorghum vegetables is short and the growth is fast. However, whether it is necessary to fertilize the vegetables in the autumn saplings is a lot of controversy. Fertilization or not, should be analyzed from the amount of base fertilizer applied:
