The nutritional value and efficacy of white fungus

Tremella, also known as white fungus, white fungus, belongs to fungi, there are sayings of civilian bird's nest, especially in the dry season in autumn, suitable for eating some white fungus, make up water and beauty. Tremella is suitable for boiled soup produc

Field management measures for vegetables in the rainy days

The recent rainy weather is not conducive to the autumn harvest and autumn, but also has a greater impact on the local vegetables, especially the open vegetables. After the rain, due to soil compaction, lack of oxygen, and airtightness, the leafy vegetables are rotten a

How to eat bean curd

Yuba has a yellow and white color, is shiny, rich in protein, and has a high nutritional value.


1. Yu

Newborn yak feeds colostrum four points

First, a sufficient amount of colostrum should be fed within one hour after the calf's birth to ensure that the calf has enough antibody protein.

Second, the optimum temperature for calves is 15°C. Attention should be paid to the heat preservation, ventilation, and illuminat

Techniques for hatching turkey in Tetina

Tetina is a light turkey turkey. It has fast growth, good resistance to roughage, good meat quality, high egg production, and strong brooding ability. It uses the characteristics of strong nesting characteristics of Betina females to hatch eggs, with simple equipment, low cost, convenient

Where should medical device companies go?

Recently, the National Health and Family Planning Commission released the "Progress in China's Disease Prevention and Control (2015)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") published at the regular press conference, reviewing the progress of disease