How to eat spring tonic?

When spring arrives, everything begins to take charge. Spring is the season when human masculinity begins to grow. Therefore, spring health supplements need special attention. Otherwise, sore throats, oral ulcers, etc. may easily get angry. If you want to avoid this situation, besides eating spicy foods on your diet, it is also important to pay attention to health supplements. What is good for spring health tonic? Today Xiaobian recommends several good spring health recipes for everyone.

Carrot beef stew

Material: 250g of beef, 120g of carrot, proper amount of salt, pepper, chicken essence, soy sauce.

Practice; first boiled water beef, go to the bottom; cold water into the onion, ginger, garlic, pepper, soy sauce, boiled into the beef, add carrots after 1 hour, stew for about half an hour, put the right amount before the pan Salt and monosodium glutamate.

Efficacy: can eliminate fatigue and enhance physical fitness.

Shrimps with leeks

Materials: 250 grams of leeks, 1 egg, 30 grams of shrimp, salt, soy sauce, starch, vegetable oil, and sesame oil in appropriate amounts.

Method: Wash the shrimp, water, rose, about 20 minutes after the water to remove and drain; leek picked clean, cut 3 cm long segment; the egg broke into the bowl, stir evenly add starch, sesame oil into a paste , pour the shrimp into the mix. Heat the wok into the vegetable oil until the oil is hot and stir it down. Put the custard condense on the shrimp and add the leeks with it. When the leeks are fried, put salt and sesame oil. Stir well and stir.

Boiled radish

The prepared dishes are quite rich. You can make a boiled radish soup, which not only can remove greasy food, but also speed up digestion. It can improve the stomach and protect the liver and liver. The white radish is called "small ginseng" and eating more in the spring is better for the body.

Mixed radish

Prepare a fresh white radish, wash and cut into filaments, sprinkle with the appropriate amount of salt, and wait for 5 minutes to squeeze out the water. Add onion, garlic, parsley, seasoning and chili oil, stir and serve. This dish is very refreshing, you can stomach digestion.

Mushroom fried yam

Wash the mushrooms first, then use hot water for about 10 minutes until they become soft, and leave the water for mushrooms in reserve. At the same time, the yams are peeled and cut into small pieces. The celery is also cut into the same large school. After the oil is hot, add mushrooms, yams, and celery in order, and then pour the water into the mushrooms. After the soup is dried, add the appropriate amount of starch and add some soy sauce or a little salt to taste. Spleen and Qi, nourishing the lungs, nourishing the kidney, strengthening kidney essence, long muscles, moisturizing fur, nourishing and strengthening


Studies have shown that ginger can promote blood circulation and can reduce fever and fever. As the saying goes, “Eating three gingers in the morning and playing ginseng soup in the morning” is easy to catch a cold in the spring. Eating ginger can effectively treat the common cold and has some anti-aging ingredients.

Shrimps with leeks

Prepare 30g of fresh shrimps and 250g of leeks. Pour the pot into vegetable oil. Heat the oil over the shrimps. Add the leeks and fry them together. The shrimp is rich in calcium, this dish has the effect of tonifying kidney and replenishing Qi

The above is a recipe for spring nourishing liver for your reference. Spring is the best time to raise liver. In addition to diet and nourishing the liver, it can also protect the liver through massage, sunburn, and pressure on the liver and keep it in a comfortable state. If you think too much and worry about it, you will make the air machine go up and down abnormally. , resulting in organ dysfunction and disease.


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