The nutritional value of roselle

The nutritional value of roselle

Roselle is rich in protein, organic acids, Vc amino acids, a large number of natural pigments and a variety of minerals, fresh wolfberry with Vc0.93%, VB0.21%, protein 0.45%, ash 1.34%, pectin 1.39% , Moisture 87.86%, Carotene 0.01%, Starch 1.76%, Sugar (2.5% by glucose), Dried flower pods containing 1% to 1.5% of total anthocyanin (color), citric acid, and citric acid 10% 15%, Reducing sugar 16%, Protein 3.5% to 7.9%, Other non-nitrogen content 25%, Fiber 11%, Ash content 12%, and about 1% of 17 amino acids. In addition, Roselle extract contains reducing sugars, terpenoids, phenols, small amounts of alkaloids, and resins.


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