Ten strokes to get immune fluorescence

Impatiens prevent three major diseases

Brown spot, powdery mildew and anthracnose are the main diseases of Impatiens balsamina. Impeller growers must pay attention to the prevention and control of these three diseases.

First, brown spot

1. Identify features. Major damage to Impatiens leaves. Symptoms of diseased

Duck population ratio

The ratio of male and female ducks in the breeding group plays a decisive role in the fertilization rate of the breeding eggs. Excessive amounts of drakes often compete for spouses and harassment with each other, affecting the energy of male ducks, resulting in reduced breeding power and c

Chronic appendicitis diet considerations

1, avoid eating chemical stimuli such as coffee, strong tea.

2, avoid eating mechanical stimulation foods such as fried ribs, garlic Taiwan, leeks, bean sprouts.

3, eat easily sour foods such as pota

There are differences in the control of wild wheat

According to the author's understanding, the currently registered agents for the control of wild wheat are mainly the two main types of agents, namely, flurazoxuron (tiger tiger or quinine) and stiloxime (priority). Both are sulfonylurea-absorbing high-efficiency wheat field herbicides

New sensors for electronic skin devices provide new senses

OFweek Medical Technology Network Beijing time on February 6th news, according to foreign media reports, when traveling around the world, the need to use more than just five human functions. Indeed, our five faculties are impressive enough, but

Who is suitable for drinking yogurt

1. Lactose intolerance. Lactose in milk is the "culprit" that causes diarrhea in milk. During the fermentation of milk into yoghurt, the lactose portion turns into lactic acid and other organic acids, thus reducing the problem of "lactose intolerance

Feeding livestock in winter must use grass particles

In order to improve the breeding efficiency, many farmers began to use grass particles to feed their livestock. The grass particles have the advantages of being free of seasonal influence, small size, high feed conversion ratio, increased palatability, and expansion of feed sources.

Meat dog feed modulation

First, feed formulations based on the nutritional needs of the meat dog to formulate the two formulations of the early and late, respectively, the early and late two months.

1. Pre-formulation: corn flour 40%, fish meal 10%, secondary powder 10%, rice bran 8%, wheat bran 11.5%, co