The effect and effect of raisin

People often spit out the skin when they eat grapes because it has astringency. However, from a nutritional point of view, do not eat kiwi skin. Because the peel contains many nutrients.

Grapes have many advantages such as big crispness, sweet and sour taste, great tolerance for st

Effect and Function of Snake Skin

Snake skin is rich in nutrients. It is one of the varieties with the highest potassium content in fruit and its pectin content is very rich. It is very beneficial to the human brain and has a reputation as a "memories of memory." Snake skin fruit contains beneficial ingredients f

Chemical composition of Sakamoto

chemical composition

1. The volatile oil contained 0.85% of volatile oil. The main components were: neocindilide 25%, limonene 14.44%, cnidilide 10.78%, and 4-terpineol ( 4-terpineol) accounts for 8.0%; also contains: 4-terpinyl ace

Before the storm hits

Since the beginning of the winter this year, the province has not encountered strong snow and snow, but the production and management of facilities for vegetables cannot be relaxed. Instead, it is necessary to take precautions in advance, repair and tinker with old facilities, and strengthen m

Maintenance of new agricultural machinery after use

Some users purchase new equipment only for seasonal use. After use, they are allowed to use it for rain and sun. When they are used again, they often find that the machine cannot be turned, and that the cylinders, piston rings, valves, seat rings, and conduits in the engine are All were ru

Management of kiwifruit after grafting

Planting 4-6 strains of corn on both sides of planting lines with high temperature resistance can play a role in preventing high temperature.

In addition to sprouting, all young shoots sprouted on the rootstock were erased. If you find that grafting does not survive, you should lea

Equinox diet tonic to eat "Sanxiang"

March 20th is the “Spring Equinox” and 21st is the “World Sleep Day” (The International Mental Health and Neuroscience Foundation sets the first day of each early spring—March 21 as the “World Sleep Day,” designed to People are concerned about the

Winter men's water coup

Drink a glass of water before sex

Males are chronically dehydrated, making sex organs unable to maintain their normal form, obstructing erection or filling, and reducing semen production. Moreover, because nutrients and metabolites

The advantages of high bed sheep

1. Separation of sheep from feces and urine to prevent sheep from trampling and lying on excreta to ensure that the sheep are clean and sanitary.

2. It is beneficial to control the temperature, humidity and air environment of the sheep house and keep the environment of the sheep ho

Grape planting attention

Grapes are generally grown from north to south, so that they can better receive the light, and the plane is basically perpendicular to the dominant wind direction in the growing season, which can reduce wind damage.

The row spacing should be determined according to the cultivation