The eating value of guava

Food value

Guava is sweet and succulent, with smooth flesh, less fruitless seeds, and can eat nutrients that the body lacks. It can strengthen your body and improve your physical fitness. The nutrients of guava are not only comprehe

How to treat kidney in women in summer

In summer, many female friends will have symptoms of kidney deficiency. Kidney deficiency will not only make your body worse, but will also make your face look ugly. So what should kidney do? What to eat kidney? How does a woman have the best kidney effect?

Red dry pepper grafting technology

The cultivation of red dry peppers has a long history in Kezuozhong Banner. Due to many years of cultivation, diseases such as red stem pepper blight and root rot are serious, which seriously affect the yield and benefit of red dry pepper. Therefore, the promotion of pepper grafting techno

12 recipes for regulating endocrine disorders

Endocrine disorders usually refer to disorders of endocrine function, which are problems that both men and women may encounter. However, since hormonal changes are more prominent in women, symptoms may occur if the female hormones are not balanced. The most common symptoms such as long acn

The nutritional value of dried whitebait

Dried whitebait is a high-protein, low-fat food that is suitable for patients with hyperlipidemia. Chinese medicine believes that it is sweet and flat, good to fill the spleen and stomach, and can Xuanfei, benefit water, can cure spleen and stomach weakness,

Why bread is more nutritious than noodle

Why bread is more nutritious than noodles

The same pasta, fermented bread, bread than nutritious, noodles and other non-fermented foods are more nutritious. why? Studies have shown that yeast not only changes the structure of the do

Kidney bean seedlings "bad" response

After investigation, it is known that the following reasons cause bean seedlings to be "bad".

The first is a bacterial disease. The leaves of the seedlings are red-brown and ulcerous. Can be used 72% of agricultural streptomycin sulfate powder 3500 times spray or 20% thia

Fermenting Organic Fertilizer to Develop New Bitter Gourd Varieties

The bitter gourd is not only nutritious, but also has a high medicinal value because of its bitter cold, detoxification and detoxification, and is one of the vegetables that people like to eat. The yield of a new type of bitter gourd is about 3,000 kilograms per mu because of its prosperous g

Precocious vegetable cover adjustment in early spring

Nowadays, more and more peasant households are using roller shutters in winter sheds, and the coverage or increase or decrease of grasshoppers is large. When the number of personnel is small, it will bring certain difficulties to the management of winter sheds. According to the changes in

How do you do the breeding?

Juveniles are sexually mature from 9 months to 10 months of age, and are 2 years old to 3 years old. Every year from mid-February to late April is the breeding season of cockroaches. The maternal estrus period is 10 days to 12 days, and the estrus is prosperous from 2 days to 4 days. Matin

The Function and Effect of Luohanguo Chrysanthemum Tea

What is Mangosteen Chrysanthemum Tea? Luo Han Guo Chrysanthemum Tea is a kind of tea made from Luo Han Guo, dry chrysanthemum, and wolfberry. What are the functions and effects of Mangosteen Chrysanthemum Tea? Will the addition of Luo Han Guo affect the efficacy an